Inquiries about publication requests

Before filling out the form, please be sure to read the following instructions, agree to the contents, and check the box in the form.


  • The site administrator will examine the submitted content and decide whether or not to publish it. You will be notified of the result.
  • If necessary, we may contact the person in charge directly to confirm the content.
  • The submitted text may be partially edited.
  • Photos containing information that could identify individuals or companies may be modified or may not be posted.
  • Company names and detailed profiles are generally kept private. When we receive an inquiry about a product from a visitor to our site, we will connect the visitor to the appropriate person.

    Company Namerequired

    Country of Incorporationrequired

    Company Addressrequired

    Contact person's namerequired


    Contact person's e-mail addressrequired

    Contact person's phone numberrequired


    Project Namerequired


    Project Summaryrequired

    Project Details

    Sales Word

    File attachments (maximum uploadable file size per file: 10 MB)